| So, here we are in 2022... |
Thursday, March 3, 2022 9:29:33 AM |
Hello everyone,
I know it's been a while again since I posted here, but as anyone who follows us on various social media platforms knows, we are still very much active and always having adventures at the parks. I do update the website with new locations and characters when I get chance, but I find social media an easier, more immediate to access platform these days than constantly blogging. The "stories" feature of Instagram and Facebook I use particularly heavily; almost daily in a lot of instances, in fact.
However, I thought I would give a more thoughtful update on life here in Central Florida, some of our more recent trips, and upcoming plans - and also what it has been like to enter into a third year of a global pandemic living close to the magic. I've included a lot of photos in between sections, which I hope you enjoy.
We were reluctant to travel for quite a while, even when things got more back to "normal" (I use that word very lightly - there is nothing "normal" about the ongoing situation in the world. I more refer to how businesses and countries continue to adapt and reopen in the face of either "getting on with it", or closing permanently). So,   [ Read More... ] |
Hello everyone,
This blog post is somewhat a change of pace from what I usually post here, but I wanted to share a recent experience with you that I know some of you will appreciate.
  [ Read More... ] |