| Something Magical, Coming Soon... |
Sunday, February 12, 2012 12:42:09 PM |
Hi all,
Tonight I am very proud to be able to share with you for the first time, one of the first images from the brand new version of this site that is coming in the Spring!
Some of the new things which can be seen in this image below include:
- A brand new logo designed exclusively by us!
- New site-wide log-in capability for members (not just forum based).
- New site-wide profile pages (not just forum based).
- New "'rotating" banner (different phrases upon refresh), and new menu layout.
- New interactive features such as being able to "check off" characters you have met, and have them show on your profile.
... and much more!!
Of course things can change, and we are a way off yet from the launch, but we couldn't wait any longer to give you a small glimpse into what is going on behind the scenes here!
We thank you all for you continued support for this site, and we appreciate all your comments and feedback. Please do let us know what you think of this very small sneak peek!
Dan. |